

THE MATRIX DISEN' FRANCHISE by Ahgamen Kyyboa 2019May28 The True Life Story behind-the-scenes of producing "The Matrix" movie series - the life and experiences of the unknown, actual author of the literary source material for The Matrix, Thomas P. Althouse INTRODUCTION You can see it is typed.  I really wanted to handwrite this, because it is so personal.  Ya know, I always prefer doing the handwriting, what's called old school/old-fashioned; the hand actually holding a pen and moving it across the paper. I'd rather use that method for stories which are personal, like the private lives of people.  Personal is real.  Real is the facts.   It's human interest, true stories, true to life, it's the only way to go.  It's about somebody, and somebody who I know, I am close to them.  Close to the heart, the mind, and the soul.  Feel that?  It touches on what humanity is seeking from the stories in the first place... why

Working draft

IMMORTALS REDEEMED (WORKING TITLE)                 by Ahgamen Kyyboa      Based on the true life story of Thomas Parks Althouse,      concerning his screenplay, "Immortals", circa 1992      (whenceforth, this story covers the 26 years span of      time from 1992-2018) INTRO MONTAGE      Misc. clips, providing clues to the plot, including      various snippets from the Prequel scenes at C.B.N./700      Club.  After three or four minutes, the narration      begins smoothly. EXT. ETHEREAL REALM      THIS ELEMENT is to provide the narration.  Unveiling      the higher, spiritual world of the omniscient observers      - they number four or more.  It is a surreal-looking,      rugged terrain.  The figures seem to be mystical and      supernatural.  They are as gods, divine beings. The Narrators/OMNISCIENT OBSERVERS are standing around overlooking into their liquid-mirror reflecting pool of the Akashic records.                       OMNISCIENT OBSERVER #1           Gaze deeply.  So