by Ahgamen Kyyboa
The True Life Story behind-the-scenes of producing "The Matrix" movie series - the life and experiences of the unknown, actual author of the literary source material for The Matrix, Thomas P. Althouse


You can see it is typed.  I really wanted to handwrite this, because it is so personal.  Ya know, I always prefer doing the handwriting, what's called old school/old-fashioned; the hand actually holding a pen and moving it across the paper. I'd rather use that method for stories which are personal, like the private lives of people.  Personal is real.  Real is the facts.   It's human interest, true stories, true to life, it's the only way to go.  It's about somebody, and somebody who I know, I am close to them.  Close to the heart, the mind, and the soul.  Feel that?  It touches on what humanity is seeking from the stories in the first place... why read this.
What has happened to this person, the individual in question, it's very interesting and thought-provoking.  Atually it's quite disturbing.  It's like a drama, with romance.  It's also a mystery, with intrigue.  It has a huge cast of characters, as with a full-scale Russian novel.  It's enormously epic, dramatic, and mythic.  The sweeping scope of this story stretches broadly across the entire United States of America.  It is far-flung from coast to coast, it's a national scale... National what?  Travesty.  Something's going on, for sure. This is something big and it's affecting all of us.
Our epic is a tragic one.   It's not a comic one (well, philosophically, what's the difference between comedy and tragedy?).  This story by traditional definition is very much a tragedy, but you decide yourself.  There is a bright side to all of this, as you'll find out.  Yet it begins from the tragedy of a man's life and dreams, the ruination of his very life, his career, his reputation, what they did to his family and friends, it goes on and on.  It was their vicious game that he was forced to run down the gauntlet.  "Run the guantlet, Thomas!  Run through it!  Get punished along the corridor of torture!".  So it seems, even to the casual observer.
This Thomas exists akin to a current-day Odysseus, on his twenty year Odyssey quest, his longlost voyage.  A quest which is epic and tragic and it is essentially the same as the ancient Greek myths.  Believe that the ancient ways of humanity are not finished!  They are still with us!  Long live the mythos!  Those are quintessential books that contain the archetypes, tell the grand tales, and teach us so much.  Now in the post-modern era, we have this Odysseus-Thomas myth emerging.
I met this mythological figure, neither by any plan nor any predictable manner.  I'm simple country folk, planting little seeds in the soil.  SO our meeting and fellowship began strangely, by random chance.  It occured as quite a shock to me.  But that is probably how the best things in life happen.  It's not when we are planning life that our life happens.  Life happens when we are not planning.  It's when we are in-between the efforts of our plans, that the divine, unknown plan takes effect.  (I always get frustrated when I realize those events are unfolding, changing my life.  I always hate it, the inability to control and predict).
I was digging gardens, I was just a share-cropper, I was nobody.  I intended to live by the sweat of my own brow, cultivating plants and herbs as a devotion.  Yet shockingly, it is nt so easy to maintain that focus, as a landless peasant.  I had gotten evicted once, twice... make that thrice!  Not only myself, it was with others of "my tribe"!  We didn't do anything wrong, just existed as the lowest on the totem pole, the lower class.  We are powerless, at the whim of the mighty agricultural landlords.  Unfortunately, these are selfish ones who are controlling their rectangles of farm land in the wrong way.  They are ultimately part of creating an economic recession, another great Depression.  But that's a whole other can of worms! [cf. Essay: "My Final Gardening Struggle in the ultra-progressive New York".  If you get interested, it serves as a fascinating backstory to how I stumbled into this phase of my life].
The gardener who I am, who I must be, is to somehow perpetuate an ideal lifestyle of self-sufficiency.  This shall be my way, eventually, even though the post-modern world confronts against me, the antithesis of the goal.  Dating back to 1993, I was proclaiming the maxim, "Grow your own"!  All the way back to my origins in the late 1960's and early 1970's,  as a young child growing a kind of "Victory garden" and harvesting some of my very own food.  I started as a little Micro-grower.  However, what does simplistic gardening have to do with a grandiose, Hollywood tragedy?  It's another level.  By mainstream standards, I was trying to eek-out an extremely simple, modest life,  I was not looking for a major news story like this one.  I was not seeking an epic. 
The explanation is that I used to dabble in independent film and I can only get away from it for so long, until BAM!  It finds me again!  But this is an epic that it is not even my own, not really mine in any regular sense of me, my, mine.  This story is about this other individual.  It's this disrespected, maligned screenwriter-type guy and the entire sequence of experiences which he suffered.  My life and my experiences are merely a parallel, to reinforce the major points herein.  My own simplified, hidden-away life has to be taken as, merely an echo reverberating alongside of the main plot.   Oh bother, my somehow charismatic life, yet sublimated.
I was last toiling at a Kim-Chi growing operation up in the sleepy Catskill Mountains, of Rip Van Winkle fame.  Last time that we were getting asked to leave, to move on.  The deep freeze was already upon the land.  And the lord of the farmhouses and the whole farm said, Go!  First she said, Stay, but then she said, Go!  It was a rigamarole.  The house was heated by woodstoves, I just re-installed a huge one.  But it was too deemed to be difficult and risky.  These Koreans, they can be hard workers, they are tough, but they also know the Winters, the deep freeze, the harsh climate!  They know how to survive, but it's a struggle to keep going, as the farm at the end of the season gets inundated by ice and snow, mud and sleet.  Therefore, we all shuffled onwards, down the road like Okies, to the next phase of plans.  I was kept busy during this critical period, preoccupied.  There's a parallel here, on the higher vibration.  You'll realize it later.
So why would I want to be consumed by the life of Thomas P.A., how could I?  To sublimate my own particular life dealings?  Normally, I would not and could not.  It's not my personality, it's not what I have ever done!  What a bizarre mystery and it cannot be explained readily.  I'm an auteur, more than an author of biographies.  I've existed as an iconoclast, a rebel, a Henry David Thoreau of today, if anybody.  I'm an auteur of pure intent, directly focused on the real life, synonymous with growing my own, living my own.  That's already been established out in the world.  Shockingly, I wouldn't want to focus on this other knowledge, which came as a distraction.  Let that sink into your pondering subconscious; ruminate on it for awhile as you read. 
Nonetheless, it began to grow on me the more I learned.  Overwhelmingly,  it took over my mind.  The way my mind works, it cannot be taken over by anything less than what must be absolutely captivating.  It captures by wielding such a powerful influence, being totally compelling by its obvious importance.  The sheer import of this story starts with its very context.  It's about a relatively tiny creature in the midst of the enormous world of MOVIES.  The MOOOVIIIES!  A person is so small within that ominous realm!  A realm which contains everything of the movies you could ever dream-up.  Dreaming of your wildest fantasies,  imagine the glamorous fairytale of Hollywood movies!  Then it looms ever larger!  For after we get enchanted by the movies themselves, we want more, we want the deeper story.  If what Hollywood gives us is not enough, we will become curious!  And curioser!  That is precisely, the case with "The Matrix" movies!  It is the quintessential example, if there ever was one!!
In this case, the increasing curiosity of the public has not been answered.  All that has been done is to stir up questions and inquiry into reality.  Yet, not enough answers.  What is reality?  What is the Matrix?  People will question and talk about it more, because they want to know!  Even more so, what is actually behind the movie-making?  How was this the movie production of the Matrix?  What is hiding in there and who is that man behind the curtain?  "Pay no attention!" (that's from "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz").  You are now going to find out the hidden story.
Who or what is hiding in the Matrix franchise... Some you have heard of Neo.  And Morpheus.  And Trinity.  And who is the ONE, what are the machines, the Oracle, the Architect, the Agents.
Some of you have heard of "The Wachowskis", the so-called writers and directors of "The Matrix".  Some of you have heard that they came from Chicago and before that, of Polish descent.  Polanski?  And some of you have heard that they are brothers.  They are sisters.  They were married to women and then they got divorced.  It's a soap opera.
While some of you have heard of Sophia Stewart, the so-called writer claimant.  She called herself, "the mother of the Matrix".  Some of you have heard that she won a major lawsuit against the studios and makers of "The Matrix" series. Also included in her claim was James Cameron's "Terminator" series,  with Arnold Shwartzenegger.  You may have also heard that her win against the two franchises is disputed; that she did not actually succeed in her court case.  I think it says so on Snopes website and on Wikipedia, double-check your sources, because the internet is full of false news.
Some of you may have heard of Harvey Weinstein, and his brother Bob Weinstein, of The Weinstein Company, and before that, Miramax.  Some of you have heard of FilmTracks, Jacob Rios, Anthony Rankin, Mike Lang, Will Smith, Val Kilmer, Stephen Spielberg, Saturn Awards, Semel, Horn, Michael Eisner, Katzenberg, Disney, Matt Damon, Sony, along with too many to mention, being directly or indirectly implicated in the hijinx.  How many and how much is hard to determine, at first glance.
Some of you have heard of Producer Lorenzo DiBonaventura saying, "he discovered it".  Some of you have heard of Mel Gibson, who met the Wachowskis, in Chicago, while filming "Lethal Weapon".  Some of you may have heard of Producer Joel Silver, who doesn't create art, "He acquires art".  What does that mean, to acquire?  It's about ACQUISITIONS.
BTW some of you have heard of the rich Saudi tycoon acquiring the most expensive DaVinci painting.  That petroleum lordship has a very saavy art collector, doesn't it?  The best riches of the fine art world is the Leonardo Da Vinci painting of the Saviour of the World.  the Mundi is a classical, Renaissance  Jesus Christ vision.  The Saudi was buying the masterpiece to disappear it; into some private vault, hidden away.
Some of you have heard that millionaire Joel Silver is embroiled in a legal dispute about the commissioned purchase of a Jeffrey Koons sculpture.  It looks like some metal-plated balloons, extremely abstract modern art.  Silver so far paid out $3 million, but the deal is for $9 million total.  He claims they are not on schedule to manufacture and deliver the sculpture he ordered.  Therefore,  he will not pay the remainder for the purchased artwork.  Koons and company disagree with him and claim some other scenario.  But this is a side-story, I digress.  As you are already steeped in the counterfeit art of The Matrix. 
More importantly, tying everything together, some of you have heard of Thomas Parks Althouse.  But not enough of you have heard his story yet - all the public should have access to the suppressed info.  He is the one central player for you to understand, if you have any interest at all in the Matrix.  He is the only, ONLY way to decode the Matrix mystery.  I call him, Thomas P.A.   Is he who or what is behind the Matrix, the movie?  The making of the movie, the Matrix?  There is a matrix behind The Matrix.  But it's not another matrix, for it is THE very matrix itself that was hidden from you.  The matrix which was presented to you visually and hypnotically in the movies was actually the fake matrix!  Try to keep track now.  Matrix, Matrix, Matrix.  Now it's time to unveil the full hidden truth.


    At the opportune moment, I learn about this guy, Thomas Parks Althouse, who is doing interviews on a talking tour.  I find out he's a writer on a mission; there's an intense, intricate backstory.  I'm like WTF?  I get to wondering.  I decide I should check it out at this juncture, when I'm not particularly interested in any project, I'm relatively neutral.  I'm taking a break from my gardening goals, besides winter is setting in and I'm wandering.
    I contacted him and he immediately started to tell me what was going on.  We strike up a rappore and he decides he likes me enough to reveal any and all info.  He trusts me (maybe he trusts lots of people).  I am a great listener, so I absorb a lot of factoids and become mesmerized.  The events started materializing in my mind.  It all starts to get envisioned, as the telling unfolds.  But the picture being painted was huge and abstract, almost beyond what I was able to grasp.  I needed to have 360 degree virtual reality.
He just told me as a matter of fact, he was the true creator of "The Matrix" franchise.  But wait!  I had heard that it was The Wachowskis and their producers.  No, not Wachowskis?  Thomas had written his screenplay long before all their movies came out.  It all originated with HIS work.  His screenplay is entitled, "The Immortals".  Of course, this required for me to do a comparison between The Matrix and The Immortals.  A sufficient comparison of both works would reveal a lot.  Yet that is where a challenge presented itself.  It is a very hard task to do the comparing.  It is a comparison of a script versus a full-blown movie.  Nobody can easily do that as a proper comparison.  One could easier compare script to script or compare movie to movie.  Otherwise, it's like looking at a caterpillar versus a butterfly!
The other problem is that Thomas P.A. contends there had been no Matrix script to compare to his Immortals script.  He says that on the set, there was a twenty feet rule - nobody can get within twenty feet of the directors.  That's because they were holding his notes from "The Immortals" and nobody else was supposed to see that.  As for comparing movies, the Matrix was produced and the Immortals was not (as of yet).  In other words, there is no way to make a true comparison.  But let's not be daunted by this difficulty.  After we explore enough of the backstory, the life of Thomas P.A., we should be able to get comparative in the sense of literary analysis.

It should be known that I have several business partners who don't always take things the way I do.  They take it differently and that's how we conduct business, covering all the bases, looking at it from every angle.  They were taking this story as something that the big studios were needing to cover-up.  My business partners  took it as a threat to them.
I have a different perception, I take it as a win-win opportunity.  That is foundation for the mutally beneficial enterprise that I conjure and put forth as a business deal.  I'm able to organize these joint ventures, these merged projects.  Then my business partners were making sense of it.  "Only a fool would reject this deal.  It's time to get involved.  Join us, unless you want to lose out on a bundle of money".  We all realize that this is the hottest ticket in town, hands down.  It's a lucrative blockbuster.
    How was Thomas P.A. sitting on this gold mine for all these years?  The studio big-wigs mocked, "What a fool!  He doesn't know how much he's worth!".  Although, Thomas wasn't truly in possession of anything yet, not the whole epic.  He didn't have anything in the begininning, because having it would mean having "the story of his struggle".  While the whole volatile mess was going on, he was merely a pawn caught in a trap, positioned at the center of the vast game.  He was a hapless pawn in the giant chess match of the Hollywood powers-that-be.  We can now view the epic struggle that took place in the Entertainment industry.  It's complete with all: the pawns, the rooks, the knights, the bishops, the queens, and the kings.  The busy pawn was in there with his screenplay struggling, as they took the copy of it and chopped it into the chop suey that they wanted.
Tom is the writer and creator of the intellectual property.  His screenplay is this mystical object.  What exactly is this thing?  It was too hot to handle by anybody at the beginning.  So it was not couldn't be made into a movie properly; it was adjusted, it was altered.  The screenplay had undergone a huge change and came out as a barely recognizeable monstrosity.  It was F.U.B.A.R.!  It was a distortion of its own self, mangled, absolutely butchered.  They took his whole script and they did their butcher job on it.  Why?  For what reasons?  What purpose?  Welcome to Holly-weird!  Weird is what they do!  We will be answering those questions and providing you so much more.  In the first chapter, we get to know the artist, before the art.

Thomas P.A. had embarked on a vendetta tour, doing various interviews of expose.  Recently, he had been driven out of his home country for some years.  He had to relocate from the United States to Canada.  But then he crossed the border and returned with a vengeance!  Even though his nature is mild-mannered, this is a fight, the main event.  He came out swinging his fists as a fighter!  A survivor and a fighter, because when they take away your rights, you've got to fight for your rights back.  He's an artist who has to defend his art.   That's his duty, our duty, all of us, as upstanding humans!
He and I met as one small integral part of his public outreach.  At first, we continued with our lengthy discussions, as often as humanly possible.  I'm on the road now, a NOBLE NOMAD, never in one place, but heading for warmer climate, better climes.  In this situation when destiny calls, our fellowship is formed, we are fellow artists.  This had unfolded from 2018 into 2019.
    But we have to be going way back into the 1990's, Thomas was initially promoting his script.  This has been a longtime coming (to some, that seems like the ancient past, in these days of internet-paced changes, monthly weeky, daily, the fast speed is dizzying).  But Thomas initially in the 1990's had a lot of support from his friends to shop around his script.  Then in 1992 through advantageous connnections, he succeeded to bring it forth to the attention of the big studios: Disney, Universal, then Warner (in that order).  Thomas was invited to a meeting in 1993 whence, he could give it his best PITCH!  This event in June, took place at Lenny Coco's house located on Long Island, New York.  Mr. Coco, the established singer was friends with Producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura, who was working with Warner Studios.   Mr. DiBonaventura was the one to talk to, a very important person.  What transpired amongst them, was a very significant turn-of-events!  The producer decided that the story, the concept, and the whole idea was revolutionary.  In front of all present, he clearly declared, "We're doing this movie!".
    But then something else happened.


Sometimes during our talks, he's recounting details and it gets so complicated to the point of creating confusion.  I've been confused about it, more than once, especially in the early phase.  Yet that did not make me give up.  I already could understand I was onto something and would not let go.  Bring on the confusion, it will clear up.  It just takes some time to digest.  Do not be daunted, initial shock is to be expected.
Sometimes when I get stuck and the story seems convoluted, he tells me, "It's actually quite simple, not that complex".  That's better, thank you.  Because I was a simple gardener type, "growing my own".  This simpleton needs to hear it simple.  It's the basics that I want, as simply as possible.

    Lenny Coco's is not the very start.  It even goes back before those early 1990's.  Wait for it...  We have to roll back the calendar of time all the way to 1988.  1987!

This is how we discover the Truth.
Truth is new and exciting.  We going to learn about Truth itself.
Try this out.  It starts out as inquiry.  First ND foremost it is the progression of answers.
You think you know me.  I am this farmer.  Doing farms planting gardens.
I have seeds.  Know my name.
Then along arrives this other character, Thomas P.A.  Know his name.
But inquiry demands:  what does he represent?
You are going to find out what I represent.  But that's after a first read of the story.  So you will think, and feel, and believe you know what this is about... ask yourself, you think you know what this is about? 
Uhh its about the Matrix?
And how they changed the Immortals script into that Matrix script?

Kerouac style book kicks in. I was always a neo-beatkink.  Neo Beatnik.  It means on the typewriter, there is noe diting.  You type what you type as a typer.  You don't look, you don't look back.  You don't think back.  You just type forward.  It's a ehlluva discipline.  Adntakes utter confidence confidential.  Keroac was one of the best of those.
And that establiseh establish gave us the Beatnik genre.  its a theme, its a way, its a generation, its a mindset. Its following along with Jakck Kerouac from the 1950's into the 1960s and beyond as its essential epic.
Wow, you don't think back upon it, no htere's a method to the madness.  Method madness. technique which is described as thus, first draft only, best draft.  It is the first best and only.  That is the book.  Can you hack it> Can you j hack Neo Beatnik.  the beats.  keep beating onwards.

Holy jumpin jeehoowe Jeehoozeewazzits!  Leapin lollipops!  Chargin chagrining. Eek a mouse.  Bubuddy bumop bump bump/  Badaboom bing bam! Woohooweeee! mwahahaaaaahhhhhh.
The MATRIZX you say?  MAY TRICKS  I say boy, It MAY Tricks ya!
It Mat might It  it May Tricks US ! It may d dat to us. It may it may NOT..  Peye, Maybe not.  Maybe Pete.  May.  May Be, may be it is the Matrix.  You sure?
Do you peopla droogs get it catch the meanding.  it means, do you get my drift that you are going down the rabbit hole.  and that hole drips dorps drop rop deep down into the subterranean earth, down below.  W e  are dropping down itnotathat Abyss.  A deep hole which is so deep it becomes that abyss or bottomless pit.  Oh you thought it was a literal rabbit hole as thye were saying.  As they did say that in a scene of the movie they made.  and took it from another movie and a book, a classic. of Alice in Wonderland Alice go ask Alice.  is it about the Matrix.  Or is it about literature and art.  and who owns it who creates it.
I'll give you somthing more original than you have ever had.  You just wait until the next films I do after this monumental book of the Matrix story.
Hottest ticket in town.  Its a hot roperty  Hes one hot... seed planter.
I have the goods. I got the best.  It is stars.  All the stars.  They are in my galaxy.
Seeds are stars.  I got seeds, I got stars. I got robots, I got aliens.  I got all those different life forms .  waiting to jump out of moive near you, the movie you will be aw watching is going to jump out at you, bit big yime time thyme, thats a spice.
I have my fellwoship and fellow artist Thomas P.A in the palm of my hand and holding him like  seed and a star and an object of your fascination.  I give you the story, I give you the life, the thought, the dreasm you have been waiting for.
But it starts sm small tiny, just a little post-modrern abstract Modern blockbuster movie.  great movie, classic movie, famous for its own time... until it got swallowed up whole by a huge gigantic leviathan.  A big Mouth that can swallow the entire COSMOS into his body and eat it.  Eat it all like its MICROCANDY  I say MICrOCANDY!!! MACROCANDY!!!  mY NAMES aGA Aga the hare krishnas know, look it up in their book.
You don't have the full story of anything yet,  You are just beginning and it needs a basic small start, like seed like seeds being planted.  A small tiny seed.  OK thats all a seed a star a spark spark spark to light the fire.  a spark of light, a flicker, a flame, a violet flame violet color flame, like purple.  The stars are shining tonoight as they always do, those stars, make sure we can appreciate them.  the stars human stars the fame the celebs, celebrities.  I am a big time micro celeb.  I also had seed star spark videos.  the videos too were already prepped up.  Then there were battles, all little battles, nothing major yet.  Remember that Movie, this is supposedly about.  What we all think about the Matrix, that is a pill, not the pills they took from Thomas, his red pill and blue pill, ohh the colors I'm getting ahead of myself.  ow will I build up the suspense?  Worry me. lorsh, that darned suspense.  Ohhh you lurk and a re lured lurk lure into the suspense  suspend suspenck, suspenseful suspicion.  suspicious ehhh!
There is silent meditation upon and within this typing, telling this story, the writing the typing, I am not a writer technically nobody is, they are typers, I am a computer typer hacker.  Big time Hacker, they called me Acker, agker  AGKarrr  Something sorta like what they said was NEP NEPT ... N E O..  Because he was secretly a secret covert Underground hidden hacker, who is a random spy, on a hacker of cyber punk definition, as similar to a spy.  Which I am, yet I am so deep undercover that with this kind of shell within another shell and more shells, no principality can locate my doings or source or even the espionage that piss possibly mission impossinvbly Impossible impossibly impossibley.  Impersonally not a god.  a nobody.
so here we are jusy just hidden in the matrix that you think you know about and here we are all along.  we hacked into that matrix a long long time ago.  this is old news so yesteryear, yesterday so not today the NOW.  what you have to come to us to get.  Because we got it watch look over here.  eep looking, Mediate, that is what meditation is.  can you even meditate. Meditsate and medi medit med whatever that program is that exercise what is that sitting without thinking. like Aumm  OK the silent aum is what I am getting st ta at at. A silence, an Aummm chanting.. for yoga what is the real yoga the core of yoga.  They even showed you a little in the movie Matrix.  You recall.  The slight flavor of meditation in there. like a distant in the baack background approval and nod a wink gives it a nod.  hey you hey therer I know you are there. Hey I know about meditation. Its cool.  It is so cool... to get out the matrix mannnnn aummmm mmmmaannnnnn
SO I was like doing this, as this tehnically not a writer, but more really a plain planter of seeds, the guy who was doing his little garden, in the back of your mind all the time, that I captured more seeds and stars they were, which so manu many I could pput into my little basket.  My big little basket, the little dipper i big dipper dipper dipped it into the glaaxy and dipped up some lotta stars in there. And can tell you about them.  How much I know about Spielberg and Lucas.  And about Mel Gibson and Morton Downey and Mark Rufaol Mark ya know Hhulk, he was Hulk in that so-called Marvel franchise.  He did other stuff, Just like Morton, whats his name Downy, downey.  N And sp spelll berg Whats s the shhhpeeel.  the shhh peeel going on man?  And a whole sordid bunch of old celebritites all the famous lot of them, the movers and shakers those ones which we all watched for their time period... That was an older Hollywood, Once upon a time, in a farway long ago, prehistori really fantasy realm in Middle earth Old earth, the earth before the revolution was won.  Of the Matri matrixx MATRIX revolution.  evolution. revolutions, devolution, mevolution.  What wevolution, for us, we get out of the Matrix kinda move, revolution of esp escaping the matrix, escpae from it ESCAPE the MATRIX.  Or totally destroy it, end it Neo.  All out wo  war war for victory... Is it just about this movie, so.  Think about it.
They are just a prelude.  A proper table setting before we then feast.  The large and holy FEAST of the soulsm souls all souls, the feast of the Lord.  We are taking this table now as it has been set.  Thank you  for the preliminaries.  We are not warmed up.  You want a big movie, here you go.  The suits, the execs, the big wigs,  big wiggin, wigging out man.  Suits, bosses, the controllers, the studio heads head capo cap capp all caps capps the top the chief, thank you.  You did a good previous era, the stage is set.  You let them imagine.  Ohhh these   stars that made it big, from lesser beginings, the drama, the little guy gets to be the big guy, the star,  the fame, the power, the influence, the dream come true. ahhh yes that's what we are looking for, thats the story we want. I just wanted to plants seeds tend a little garden and be happy and harvest food, the fruits of my own labor, the grow your own, so go grow your own, I did I tried.  I just wanted to pick the fresh ripe raw fruits . the harvest of the fruit.  And set them out on the table, for the feast.  the Lord is coming to dine at the feast.  set up a table Hallelujah. 
Amen... but I am sorry if you are not there yet.  I am getting ahea ahead of myself to far ahead, I am getting ahead of the backstory the art, the artist.  The Thomas P A.. who started this phase, who started the Matrix movement.  he was the orining origin.  Although he is not a large boned female of a darker skin colour, as I am looking at in my minds eye, the Oracle I know of, is looking that way and many other ethnicities, you've got to watch my moveis  my Movies all movies that you should watch the to get to know important answers of Truth. Leading to full end  ending final truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth. about life and reality... so first start with the matrix, the opposite of reality.
⦁    There is no enemy except for the enemy within. Ahgamen
Thomas P.A. wrote a screenplay and notes and strongly wanted a movie to be made.  Like so many other dreamers dreaming of making it bog big bigtime in hollywood.  but we can't all be winners, there are going to those who a re losers.  and boy do I know about being a loser, losing losing against the world.  it cant even let me plants  plant to plant seeds.  So I relate to this man, this beaten down specimen,  the beaten down man, the trodden down man.  He is a victim. a true clear victim of what happened.  this is the proper and true accurate meaning of victim.  He's a victim fols. folks but how muh of it is in his own mind, his own doing?  And how much is outside of him.  and how did it materialize.  In the matrix.  Oh they made a matrix, around the matrix was being born here in The Immoirtals script. the matrix was veiled in there. They chose to open it ip.  They opened up the matrix which was tucked away as a backdrop to the original source.  this is key.  they opened the matrix just like the myth.  myth greek of opening Pandora's box. oh Pandora. We evoke that mythical character, the fig figure. archetypal as well as the archetype of Odysseus The one who must go forth on a quest of his life.  In order to find his way bak back and to the source, the holy grail. 
I saw him ddoing this.  I spied on him and found another fellow hacker, in Thomas.  I played a part sort of like Morpheus, but more undercover, more like... well you don't know the art yet, only the counterfeit art.  So I am pulled Morpheus, just like as a gardener, I pull a Thoreau move, pull that move on the scene, the world.  I pull a Morpheus maneauver to find the Odysseus, Morpheus looking in on that.  It's really morphing now.  Fell feel it Feel that the vides, it is vibrating, pulsing, like that Zion party scne the movie scenes. I did find Neo, because he is more representing Neo.  Figure it out, Here is Thomas Anderson, here is Thomas, Thomas A.  Thomas Althous, Althouse Anderson, July 2. July 2 the next SOLAR eclipse. Look it up JULY 2.  Remember  Memorize that date one of our important ones to watch... Watch and date the calendar.  Your claendar should be marked.  And know what you did that day.  It is July 2 coming up. 2019 July 2 Eclipse, but already set in the movie and in Thomas life, his borthdate He is born on July 2 birthday.  Happy borthday Thomas. B oth of you.  Thomas P P A P. A:thouse and Thomas A. Anderson Neo Thomas, the One NEO>
Happy borthday borgday to the Borg.  That cyborg matrix. too .  the matrix is just a concepot, it is the only way.  and what we do with it, how we react and decode the matrix is most important.  It is the fundamental background the give the context It needs to be background, the backdrop.  That's what we have table setting for the fruits feast on the table feast for feasting. eating.  it's party time the Lords day.  Why we are going to HolyWood.  not Hollywood anymore, just a slight change to Holy, holly holy. nothing wrong with Holly.  But Holy is better, its best. Get you some of that Wood that is Holy.  It is a holy wood we give to the world. shining like a holy light. '
And during the eclsipse that is what we get.  that is the day that sets the light.  it is the lighting of the candle on the table at that auspoicious That's auspicious.  You know, it is prophecy prophetic. The sun is joined with the moon. and in that predestined moment the sun is reset.  It is reol reolud reloaded DARK TO  DARKNESS, THE LACK OF LIGHT, UNTO THE LIGHTING AGAIN.  IT ENDS AND BEGINS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY.  uP AT HIGH NOON, OVER A PLACE ON EARTH.  tHE ECLIPSE HIGH NOON ZENITH.  SOLAR ECLIPSE DESsTINY OF THE MILKYY yy WAY WaY WAY WAY WAY SHOW YOU THE WAY.  THE wAY OF THE SPIRIT AND MEDITATION AND WAY OF TRUTH. i TOLD YOU THAT BY STARTING WITH THIS MATRIX MOVIE QUEsTIONING AND FIGHTING THE MATRIX WAS GOING TO LEAD TO TRUTH, THEN THE mART MATRIX  SHOWED iTIS TRUE COLORS.  BEHIND THE SCENES. THE MOVIE BEHIND THE MOVIE. There is a matrix behind the matrix you're starting to believe now, Neo.  Watch what happens. When you go down the rabbit hole.  They said Follow the white rabbit. As the original, Alice written by Lewi Carrol, told the story of Alice following the white rabbit down the rabbit hole.  and fell into the matrix of her universe.  AsTom Petty sang about in his song, and music video of Alice themed imagery.  All about Alice. And The Jackson Jefferson Airplane starship  Airplane, not Starship, sang Go ask Alice.  Alice. She was her own fairy tale of a pre-Proto Neo as Alice.  Okay, basic correlation.  The fioctional parallel.  Parallel from ficitonal literature. I write facts, so its non-ficiton,  which the genre of non-fiction is not a sufficient word, or label.  I am into sufficiency. So the more sufficient will be Factual genre.  And the other stuff now becomes Non-Factual. 
⦁    the truth is easier to access through the facts and true life stories.  Ahgamen kyyboa
this factual literature creation, whether written or typed or orally or on stage or on screen, becomes the source the muse for all new myth making.  myths such as all our immortalized characters who are arcgetypes.
Thomas P.A. is teh archetypal artist on a quest.  He embarks on a long voyage.  It takes over twenty years.  More than twenty-five twenty six years since 1993.  More than 30 years since before 1989, from 2019.  Going back to 1987.  32  years ago.  I say 1987!!  That was the year when those of us who knew about prophecy, celebrated the Harmonic Convergence of the planets. But that is my ancient history which is detailed in my book on the Omega and Alpha, cf. It's all tied together.  It is epic, it was before Oprah got launched in the spiritual category.  It's what set the stage for that.  I was there under the auspices of Elizabeth Lesser, formerly Rechshauffen (sp?)  Oprah's collab Elizabeth from Omega.  She knows about that Harmonic thing, we were there.
The stars aligned, the planets and zodiac.  It was auspicious.  Little did we know exactly how long it would take.  This voyage of Thomas P.A.  But I did not have to meet him until he was done.  He wrote the screenplay and then ran the torutre corridor of the Gauntlet.  32 years it took to finish the work and forge our fellowship, fellow artists. and I establish the Syndicate.  I am patient.  and Thomas suffered long, along with me, all of us, who have taken the spiritual path since then.  He suffered as a true victim.  Poor Thomas.
His spirit was meant to be broken.  and it did, but then it was reg][]]  revi v rEBORN
REBIRTH.  HE was birthdate July 2 and this is one of our important dates.  We will be able to measure the timing that way, easier.  The first July 2 we are using is in 1959.  The next one is in 2019.  There is an eclipse that shows you it's current significance.  But not to make too much of one, just a starting date, to start a framework of the timeline.  Timeline is important here, be a little historian.  It's a history lesson.  Hey I love History class.  You didn't know it was Historical you thought it was just Rhetorical.
You know about being born again, in the Christian religion, it's a theme.  They took it form the source in te Bible.  Just as the Matrix is from a source in the Bible.  You did need to know that.  I mean everything's in Bible.  you have to launch from that original source.  and you have to do it properly.  The Bible is one of the earliest source materials, as Shakespeare will tell you, so many great historical figures, all the way to Thomas P.A. He drew material and inspiration from the Bible.  and that was one of the conflicts.  The cause of his trouble and then the struggle ensued.  it raged with spirtual battles, the stuff of the Bible stories, the Myth.  It is Greek, as well as Hebrew, it is the ancients, telling us myth.  The fundamental stories are in terhe.  it's not the only culture, that civilization, but it is very well-known very popular and very Holy.  Welcome to HolyWood, take a seat, read, and enjoy the show.
As Thomas was talking to me, I read the screenplay.  It was online so I took some time, took the ooportunity to read.  I perused, had to skim it quickly.  I was very busy having to move and wander, being a Noble Nomad, time is of the essence. Especially on computer time, the hacking already took a lot of time.  then there is a lot of work to do around doing the spiritual hacking, that is the advanced hacker.  But I wanted to take more time with it, after I found several major aspects. to it.  It was found in the script.  I read it there, but in the actual movie, the Matrix veiled it over.  and we know this.  They know this.  And we first got to deal with that.  They do have a legit reason to change it.  They are logical and there's a reason to not be so Biblical.  My only problem were they being anti-Biblical?  Ohdon't get me started.  I'll start Bible thumping.  If you meet any Bible-thumpers, you may nto like them using that derogatory.  But I will be your Bible Thumper now. And you will find it acceptable. I am an acceptable Bible thumper THUMP thump thump.  Later on for the details.
I am likely to thnk of the Thumper character of Disney fame, from Bambi movie.  Gotta love that classic BAMBI.  One of the best classic animations. Thumper had his own thumping going on. But just remember that rabbot hole.  Thumper was made a rabbit.  He like the White Rabbit, which Diney also made into its most famous version, Alie in Wonderland Alice.  Thumper is down the rabbit hole too, all the rabbits might live in there.  It's their place.  And thumper is in there now, thumpin sorta like Bible thumping.  As if I am parallel to these Thumpers thumping Bible down the rabbit hole. Away we go.Macrocandy video game.
So on that note, Thomas was studying the Bible with Pat Robertson.  Indeed. That Pat Robertson of Christian fame.  the Televangelist.  Up there with Ronald Reagan, search it, with Trump today.  But so long ago, when Robertson began.  A televangelist preacher, along with Billy Graham of the Hollywood walk of Fame.  Along with Paul Crouch, with Jim Bakker, Tammy Faye Baker, Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggert, and his cousin, singing Great Balls of Fire!  Beware theose balls of fire, raiing down in the day of Wrath.  HEllfire.  Thomas put that in his script.  Obviously having something to do with his work in Christianity.
In 1987 Robertson and Thomas were invloved in a big plan.  It was holy, it was believed-in.  Let's go back to those days when it began.  Well I don;t knwo what happened.  I was not there yet. Thomas was there. He recalls it.  It is rather crucial to the plot here.  But I am not sure how much can be revealed here, How much of it needs to be said.  How much do you want to know?  How much can you handle?
Let's just say there was a struggle already.  There was a conflict brewing.  It all started out quite well.  It was a wonderful plan.  But remember what I said about those plans?  Then life takes hold and that is the real plan you did not know about.  YEs a bit frustrating.  Unless one is advanced in the methods of life and story telling. and manipulation within the struggle.  We know what was done and we know who did what.  But what is the most importan part to get to the Matrix and the core thing about ... oh the artist.  Thomas P.A.  He ended up not getting along with Pat Robertson.  SOmething happened, a falling out.  These are characters in an epic struggle. they are wrestling.  You know, from the Biblical source.  Robertson is Biblical.  Get it?  And its myth, of mythic proportions.
It has been a gargantuan battle going on between these two, under the surface, since when this started.  Maybe they have different opinions, maybe there are a few angles of disagreement.  But I have found something striking.  They both have a similar archetypal purpose, they are parallel and connected.  They are in a similar vein, it is karmic,  it is prophetic.  If you are aware of your prophecy, the whole humanity we have our own prophecy, which the Bible is getting at.  We are living it now.  In Robertson and Thomas PA.
Wake up to this also because we are waking up to the Supreme force field which is really thre in Truth.  That fore field, that structure, that systemic Evil outside of us, which is what they used the Matrix to partially describe, yet they veiled it too much, fictionally and visually, which is sybolism. Art.  OK.  But the best story is the true story.  and the best literature is FACTUAL genre as the source material for our myths and movies.  Which is what I do with my entire collection and assortment of archetypal figures.  As well as motifs, settings, locations for scenes.  There id an enitre sequence requring this backdrop of the primeval supreme force field of dark net energy, a dark web, access that realm, that dimension, hacking into it, to find out what its ade of, dark city, on a surreal planet.  That movie preceding the Matrix, Dark City.  All of it intimating the symbol trying to be represented as such..
But they don't know exactly what it is, where it is.  They are alluding to it.  They say it is down a rabbit hole in its eaerthly fabric of the holes and tunnels in to the deep dark web.  They allude to it.  Morpheus knows the most about it, and Oracle and Architect.  And Neo starts out his quest because he wants to know.  Thomas P.A. wanted to know.  and perhaps Pat Robertson wanted to know.  One of the best methods was to use the Bible as a portal to probe into it, the best flashlight to shine, the torch, the flame to be able to see into that darkness.  Because the Matrix or this actual real force field of energy is like dark matter. The stuff that is in the outer space, wherever that is.  Let's get back to the Bible where it says in Genesis...
Thomas was reading from Bible derived programs at the organization of Pat Robertson.  That is what they broadcast, that is their material.  Thats the genre, the media empire of Christian teachings.  Christian entertainment.  The religious culture of the modern post modern Chistianity.  The company is called C.B.N. for a reason.  They Broadcast Christianity to their network of viewers, they are the network.  Many of you are regular viewers.  Just like this Bible-thumper.  I've watched it many times.  And gotten inspiration.  I love televangelism.  As long as it seeks the Truth.  As long as it shines light into this deep abyss of the background evilness in the matrix, force field, the dark side, the energy mass, which we are stuck inside of.  That would be the best and essential televangelical program show movie! Hallelujah. Can I get an Amen.  SOmebody shout Amen, for me.  In Jesus name.  Jesus Christ.
So we now know that this was the main influence on the orginal script of the Matrix.  If you can mull it over as we read some more, that is enough to reveal so far.  And if you recall of the Matrix movie, you can understand this point.  It is there.  It is residing inside of it all.  It is hiding within.  Who did that, who styled that, what did they do to it??  But it was Thomas P A. who put that in there.  He wrote that, created the story and it was woven into the fabric of the whole script for the movie.  There is no way anybody could completely remove that, although he did a fantastic job of sublimating, of pushing it to the furthest background, the faint echo of it.  which is acceptable. I am already okay with it.  You may be raging and Bible-thumping.  THUMP!!  Let's go on a Bible Thumping rampage.  Get it out of your anger! Thump.  It's about the Bible.  Yes nobody can deny that.  Let's move forward, after this realization is fundamentally established.  Thomas P.A. was seeking Christ through Robertson, through the storyline.  Neo as a cyber punk Thomas A. is the Christ figure.  He is the new Jesus Christ.  That's a nice touch.  In that universe, he is the messiah, the savior, the promised One.  According to the prophet.  But this is the fiction and this is the distortion and this is why you have not woken up yet from the so-called Matrix.  They gave you the NON-FACTUAL version.  That;s what you got so far.  That is why it's called the Matrix.  It may tricks you.  We need to sharpen the meaning and sharpen our understanding, so we really get it, we got to understand what it actually is.


Pat Robertson's connections in the media entertainment sector is how the screenplay of Thomas P.A. gets into circulation within the studio system, from C.B.N. to Disney, to Universal, to Warner Brothers, to SONY, to the central cartel of Hollywood.  That's Hollyweird.  Indeed.  It's a small world after all.  There are a lot of connections in the industry, just accept it.  Walt Disney knew Reagan back in the days.  And Pat Robertson knew Reagan.  And they were on the ticket against FDR, Roosevelt.  In Hollywood, Henry Fonda supported FDR.
The team of Ned and Judy Nankovitch transferred from Robertson's C.B.N. to Disney and Universal.  They knew about the screenplay that Thomas was creating and promoting.  He told them the idea and concept.  This is how the arrangements could be made by Robertson through Judy.  And then Thomas gets to the Lenny Coco meeting.  Lenny Coco was connected with Robertson.  I don't know exactly what Robertson arranged for Judy and Ned to say.  It all goes through Lenny Coco somehow, but it is the link during that phase.  Coco brings in DiBonaventura, the producer.
They are all working in the Acquisitions Department.  That is how the studio system is doing the acquiring of stories, the scripts, the screenplays.  Judy was in the Acquisitions, just like others, such as Harvey Weinstein and Mike Lang.  Judy Nakovich was at Universal and Disney.  But you see, Disney ultimately couldn't handle the material, not at the time, it was too hot to handle.  Why was it?  Who said so?  Well, we're going to find out.  This is behind the scenes.  This is the secret business dealing.
Lenny Coco was interested in having some stories written, to make a movie, biographical.  He had some ideas from his life experiences, his career as a singer.  With hit songs in the 1950's he came up and became popular in the early 1960's.  The song "".  From all that Coco had heard about Thomas, he felt like this could be the discovery of a writer for his movie ideas.  This was one of the potentials which were involved in the long voyage of Tom's mythic quest.
Along with interviewing Jesus Christ when he returns.  Robertson was preparing.  ...Wait for it.
At the Lenny Coco business meeting, the pitch, the sale, Lorenzo DiBonaventura assured Thomas and all present that it was a done deal.  This was in front of all present, including Mr. Coco's neice, Nadia Citino, and her daughter.  So the producer, Lo, as his friend Lenny called him, instructed Thomas to then go through the formalities of submission.  He was to submit the synopsis and screenplay and supplementary materials to the studio, Warner Brothers.  Lo wanted the script treatment, character breakdown, etc.  This was to be done through an attorney, to make it official.
That submitting attorney is James Boyd.

Standard procedure of learning any literature is conducted.  Find out who is the author amongst the story's characters.  In other words, who did the author use to represent himself individually?  Sometimes it is complicated, because the author will split himself, or he will multiply himself.  Which method did Thomas P.A. use?  Standard analysis finds that he became embodied in one main character, the protagonist.  He's the One called Jim Reece.  Although, there are other characters in whom Thomas is reflected, in part; they are minor characters.  It is rather complicated, but suffice it to say, it is for certain that he is in the protagonist.  And this Jim Reece was turned into Thomas Anderson, the hacker "Neo".  So The Immortals is of a  biographical variety, it is semi-autobiographical.  Or how directly, strongly, AUTO-biographical is it?  Auto or semi-auto?  That is a mystery we will explore to gain an answer.
But why?  Why, for what reason did they use Thomas P.A, as the basis for the Thomas Anderson/Neo character?  Who can understand that?  Why did they bother?  Is this an homage?  Is this a nod?  Is this a mockery?  Is Thomas P.A., the real Neo?  And what actually is the meaning and fate of Neo within The Matrix plot?  I have no idea anymore, it would seem.  Other than the fact that Thomas P.A. keeps explaining in one statement.  The Wachowskis are being clever.  CLEVER?  These are some clever rascals!  They are just trying to be clever.  But that's not the only thing.  The cleverness is just simple, it's not complicated at all.  Just a simple act of being clever and mocking.  Thomas says, it was done just to hate on him, because they could never write anything such as he has written and they are envious.  They did not and could never understand the original storyline.  Well this is a battle between writers, or between writer and wannabe writers.



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